A Han Chinese born 1938 in Hunan Province and died May 9, 2016, Peng Qingsheng (彭慶生) studied at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Peking University (北京大學中文系) from 1956 to 1961. He then became a postgraduate research student under Lin Geng (林庚), a renowned authority on Tang dynasty poetry. In 1965, he took up the post of editor at the People’s Literature Publishing House (人民文學出版社); in 1973, he was transferred to work at Beijing Language and Culture University (北京語言大學), In 1988, he was promoted to the rank of professor, and took up the post of head of the Chinese Culture Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University (北京語言大學中華文化研究所) and the chief editor of Zhong Hua Wen Shi Lun Cong (Essay Series on Chinese Literary History) (中華文史論叢), among others. From 1992 onwards, he was granted a special allowance by the State Council; in 1995, he was lauded Outstanding Teacher of Beijing Municipality (北京市優秀教師). His major works include Chen Ziang Shi Zhu (Annotated Poems of Chen Ziang) (陳子昂詩注), Tang Dai Yue Wu Shu Hua Shi Xuan (A selection of Tang Dynasty Music, Dance, Calligraphy, Painting and Poetry) (唐代樂舞書畫詩選), Tang Shi Jing Pin (Best of Tang Poetry) (唐詩精品) and Zeng Ding Zhu Shi Quan Tang Shi (The Complete Collection of Tang Dynasty Poems with Additional Annotations) (增訂註釋全唐詩) (as executive associate editor).

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