Professor Jin Shen (金申)

Professor Jin Shen (金申) is a research fellow at the Institute of Fine Arts, Chinese National Academy of Arts (中國藝術研究院美術研究所) at Beijing. He also lectures courses held by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage (國家文物局) and various universities on the identification of Buddhist relics, and assists public and private museums worldwide in identifying Buddhist images. As a renowned archaeologist of Buddhism, Buddhist art historian and Buddhist relic identification expert, his works include La Ma Miao: Fo de Shi Jie (The Lamasery - World of the Buddha) (喇嘛廟──佛的世界), Zhongguo Li Dai Ji Nian Fo Xiang Tu Dian (A Visual Dictionary of Chronological Chinese Buddha Images) (中國歷代紀念年佛像圖典), Fo Jiao Diao Ke Ming Pin Tu Lu (A Catalog of Famous Buddhist Sculptures) (佛教雕刻名品圖錄), Zang Chuan Fo Jiao Zun Xiang Tu Ji (A Pictorial Collection of Tibetan Buddhist Images) (藏傳佛教尊像圖集), Fo Xiang de Jian Ding yu Shou Cang (The Identification and Collection of Buddhist Images) (佛像的鑑定與收藏) and Fo Xiang Xi Pu (Buddhist Images and Lineage) (佛像系譜).

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