Professor Ge Xiaoyin (葛曉音)

Born 1946 in Shanghai, Ge Xiaoyin (葛曉音) received her Master of Arts (research) degree from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Peking University (北京大學中文系) in 1982. Since 1989, she has served as a professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Peking University and is currently a doctoral supervisor. Her research focus is mainly on the study of Chinese literature during the Six Dynasties period (魏晉南北朝) and the Sui (隋) and Tang (唐) dynasties. She has authored 13 major works including Ba Dai Shi Shi (The History of Poetry during the Eight Dynasties) (八代詩史),  Han Tang Wen Xue de Shan Bian (Evolution of Han and Tang Dynasty Literature) (漢唐文學的嬗變), Tang Song San Wen (Tang and Song Dynasty Essays) (唐宋散文),  Shan Shu Tian Yuan Shi Pai Yan Jiu (A Study of the Landscape Poetry and the Fields and Gardens Poetry Schools) (山水田園詩派研究), Shi Guo Gao Chao yu Sheng tang Wen Hua (The Zenith of Poetry and Culture during the Tang Dynasty’s Golden Age) (詩國高潮與盛唐文化) and Gu Shi Yi Shu Tan Wei (Exploring the Art of Poetry in Detail) (古詩藝術探微).


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